Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii
Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Types of Contributions:
1. Full length research papers
2. Review papers
Normally, the journal does not consider short communications, discussion papers and letters to the Editor.
Languages: Manuscripts may be prepared in Ukrainian or English.
Page charges: There are no charges to submit and publish a standard research paper or a review paper, provided that all authors/co-authors, without any exceptions, are affiliated with non-Ukrainian universities and/or institutions.
Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail: berzenina@gmail.com.
Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter in which the type of the submitted manuscript and a warranty as given below are given. The authors must assure that the manuscript submitted to the journal for review is original, has been written by the stated authors and has not been published elsewhere; is currently not being considered for publication by any other journal and will not be submitted for such a review while under review by the journal; the manuscript contains no libellous or other unlawful statements and does not contain any materials that violate any personal or proprietary rights of any other person or entity.
Together with the manuscript and graphic files, please, submit a separate authors.doc file containing brief information about all authors (full first and last names, affiliations, authors’ positions, academic ranks, contact data: postal addresses, e-mail addresses, etc.).
Our recommended maximum file size is 2 MB (however, it may be 5 MB for manuscript.doc file with graphics embedded in the text). Please, do not submit self-extracting archives.
Simultaneously with an electronic submission, a hard copy of the manuscript may be addressed to the Editorial Office: Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Gagarin Avenue, 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine. The submission of a hard copy of the manuscript is not obligatory.
Authors are fully responsible for the content of their published materials.
Potential reviewers
Authors are required to suggest the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of at least two appropriately qualified persons as potential reviewers. Appropriate reviewers should be knowledgeable about the subject and must be from institutions other than those of any of the authors. Note that the editors retain the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used.
The information about potential reviewers may be submitted either in a separate file (Potential_Reviewers.doc) or in a cover letter.
Preparation of the article
Manuscripts must be prepared as manuscript.doc file (please, do not submit as *.docx or *.rtf file).
Papers should be typed on A4 (210x297 mm) paper with the following margins: 25 mm on the left, 20 mm on the right, 20 mm on top, and 20 mm below.
Use font Times New Roman, size 12 with 1.5 space interval. All pages must be numbered, starting from the title page. Figures given in a text should also be sent by separate files.
The manuscript should not contain less than 4 and more than 15 pages (in A4 format).
Composition of the article
1. A manuscript should contain the following sections: title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, experimental part, results and their discussions, conclusions, acknowledgements and references. Abbreviations and uncommon symbols should be explained at the first mention. List of abbreviations is possible.
2. The title page should contain:
– UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code.
– the initials and last names of all coauthors; where the name may be ambiguous (e.g. a double name), please indicate this clearly.
– the title of the article which should be concise and informative; avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
– authors’ affiliation addresses; provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and city.
– e-mail and name of the author to whom the correspondence is to be sent.
3. Please provide a one-paragraph Abstract of 150 to 250 words. Abstract should indicate the aims of the work, the main results and conclusions. Abstract should be concise and factual and demonstrate the novelty of the work. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
4. Keywords (from 5 to 8) should represent content of the whole article and be characteristic of the terminology used within the particular field of study. Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, “and”, “of”). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible. Do not use words appearing in the manuscript title.
5. Introduction should be brief and clear and needs to include relevant references.
6. All materials and methods by which the results were obtained should be described in the experimental or basic theory part.
7. The Results should be presented with clarity and precision. The Discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results. Also here subheadings may be used. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. A combined Results and discussion section is often appropriate.
8. Conclusions should emphasize the main achievements of this work, underline their significance and give examples of their possible application.
9. Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be brief.
10. References must be numbered consequently in square brackets in line with the text. A hyphen should be used to link numbers which are inclusive, and a comma used where numbers are not consecutive. Example: Several studies [6–9,10,15] reported the effect …
Enter author’s surname followed by initials. If more than 1 author: give all authors’ names and separate each by a comma and a space. For articles with 1 to 6 authors, list all authors. For articles with more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors then add ‘et al.’
Only the first word of the article (or book) title and words that normally begin with a capital letter are capitalized.
If there is no information on issue/volume number, it may be omitted.
You should use a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), especially for online/electronic articles, at the end of the reference.
References are listed in numerical order, and in the same order in which they are cited in text. The reference list appears at the end of the paper.
The formatting of references to published work should be as follows:
Author1 AA, Author2 BB, Author3 CC, Author4 DD. Title of the paper. Title of the Journal (abbreviated, in italics). Year; volume number(Issue number): page numbers (or article number).
- Yao P, Chen X, Wu H, Wang D. Active Ti/SnO2 anodes for pollutants oxidation prepared using chemical vapor deposition. Surf Coat Technol. 2008; 202(16): 3850-3855. doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.01.026.
- Chee SW, Tan SF, Baraissov Z, Bosman M, Mirsaidov U. Direct observation of the nanoscale Kirkendall effect during galvanic replacement reactions. Nat Commun. 2017; 8: 1224. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01175-2.
- Aureau D, Chaghi R, Gerard I, Sik H, Fleury J, Etcheberry A. Wet etching of InSb surfaces in aqueous solutions: controlled oxide formation. Appl Surf Sci. 2013; 276: 182-189. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.03.063.
- Znak ZO, Sukhatskiy YV, Zin OI, Khomyak SV, Mnykh RV, Lysenko AV. The decomposition of the benzene in cavitation fields. Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii. 2018; (1): 72-77.
- Swaminathan V, Lepkoswka-White E, Rao BP. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. J Comput Mediat Commun. 1999; 5(2). Available from: http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2.
- Zloh M, Esposito D, Gibbons WA. Helical net plots and lipid favourable surface mapping of transmembrane helices of integral membrane proteins: aids to structure determination of integral membrane proteins. Internet J Chem. 2003; (6): 2. Available from: http://www.ijc.com/articles/2003v6/2/.
Note that references to publications in Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii should be given without abbreviation of the journal title and without volume number (Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii. 2020; (5): 45-57).
Author1 AA, Author2 BB, Author3 CC, Author4 DD. Book title (in italics). Edition (if not the first edition). Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Editor name(s) may be used instead of Author name(s). Put editor or editors after the name(s) in this case.
If there is more than one place of publication listed, use the first named.
- Simons NE, Menzies B, Matthews M. A short course in soil and rock slope engineering. London: Thomas Telford Publishing; 2001.
- Blenkinsopp A, Paxton P. Symptoms in the pharmacy: a guide to the management of common illness. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1998.
- Brett CMA, Brett AMO. Electrochemistry: principles, methods, and applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1993.
- Izvekov VI, Serikhin NA, Abramov AI. Proektirovanie turbogeneratorov [Design of turbo-generators]. Moscow: MEI Publishers; 2005. (in Russian).
Chapter in an edited book:
Author1 AA, Author2 BB, Author3 CC, Author4 DD. Chapter title. In: Editor1 AA, Editor2 BB, editors. Title of the book (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. p. xxx-xxx.
- Partridge H, Hallam G. Evidence-based practice and information literacy. In: Lipu S, Williamson K, Lloyd A, editors. Exploring methods in information literacy research. Wagga Wagga, Australia: Centre for Information Studies; 2007. p. 149-170.
- Halpen-Felsher BL, Morrell HE. Preventing and reducing tobacco use. In: Berlan ED, Bravender T, editors. Adolescent medicine today: a guide to caring for the adolescent patient. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.; 2012. Chapter 18. Available from: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/9789814324496_0018.
Inventor1 AA, Inventor2 BB, Inventor3 CC, inventors; Name(s) of the holder of patent, assignee. Patent Title. Patent Country document type, Country Code and patent number. Date Issued.
- Pagedas AC, inventor; Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible endoscopic grasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. United States patent US 20020103498. 2002 Aug 1.
- Goleus VI, Nosenko OV, Hordieiev YS, Amelina OA, inventors; Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, assignee. Legkoplavkyi prypii [Low-temperature solder]. Ukraine patent UA 120212. 2019 Oct 25. (in Ukrainian).
Publications on the Internet (Online):
Author1 AA, Author2 BB, Author3 CC, Author4 DD. Source title (in italics) [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of publication [date of update/revision; date of citation]. Available from: http://….
- Hooper JF. Psychiatry & the law: forensic psychiatric resource page [Internet]. Tuscaloosa (AL): University of Alabama, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology; 1999 Jan 1 [updated 2006 Jul 8; cited 2007 Feb 23]. Available from: http://bama.ua.edu/~jhooper/.
- StatePublicHealth.org [Internet]. Washington: ASTHO; [cited 2007 Feb 23]. Available from: http://statepublichealth.org/.
- Huckstep RL, Sherry E. World ortho [Internet]. [place unknown: publisher unknown]; [updated 2007 Mar 23; cited 2007 Mar 23]. Available from: http://www.worldortho.com/.
Please, do not use the full journal name, only the commonly used abbreviation (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals). Titles of books must be given in full, together with publisher’s name and location. Ukrainian and Russian sources should be transliterated. Transliteration should be performed according to the ISO Standard (ISO 9:1995). Citations of Ukrainian (or Russian) periodicals should also include the corresponding English translation (in square brackets).
Avoid references to unpublished results, abstracts and proceedings of conferences, technological normative and normative legal documents, and textbooks.
A maximum of 15 single references is permitted; multiple references (referring to more than one article) are not permitted.
At least two-thirds of the total number of references must have a publication date later than 2005.
It is allowed to make references to a maximum of 2-3 articles previously published in Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii.
Please, avoid abundant self-citations: the references should contain no more than six items, in which at least one author is common in both citing and cited works.
11. Illustrations (figures, graphics, and pictures) must be both embedded in the text and given as separate graphic files (jpg, tif or bmp) suitable for corrections or changes, by sizes which correspond to the parameters of the page. Figures are signed and numbered (if they are more than one) under the figure (not on the figure itself). Illustrations in color will be published only in electronic version. Any color figures will be reproduced in black and white for the print edition of the journal.
12. Tables should be prepared in MS Word and embedded in the text. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. A short title is required for each table.
13. Formulae must be prepared with the aid of the MS Word Equation Editor (do not use it to create simple equations and label) and placed in the middle of the text and numbered in parenthesis on the right.
14. Units. Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.