Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii

Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology


Melnyk Yu., Chernichenko O., Melnyk S., Mahorivska H.

Adsorption of oleic acid on AV-17-8 anion exchange resin



Shabanova H.M., Logvinkov S.M., Shumeiko V.M., Korohodska A.M., Shchukina L.P., Lisachuk G.V., Kryvobok R.V., Sakhnenko M.D., Lapuzina O.M.

Analysis of the granulometric composition of a three-fraction charge for vibropressed products



Artemenko A.G., Ognichenko L.M., Kuz’min V.E., Nedostup V.I.

Prediction of transport properties of organic compounds in the gas phase based on QSPR analysis



Burmistrov K.S., Murashevych B.V., Toropin M.V., Stepanskyi D.O., Yarovyi V.V.

Synthesis of polymeric sodium N-chlorosulphonamide with increased active chlorine content



Kovalyov S.V., Ovchynnykov O.V., Sukhyy K.M., Yefanov V.S., Kalinichenko O.O., Koval’ova N.V.

Properties of Zr–Ti–Nb and Ti–Al–V alloys



Sazonov K.D., Ishkov Yu.V., Shevchenko O.V.

Synthesis of new derivatives of indenoquinoxalinecarboxylic acids with amines and in silico prediction of their biological activity



Amelina O.A., Zaichuk O.V., Hordieiev Y.S., Filonenko D.V., Kalishenko Y.R.

Properties and structural characteristics of glasses in the SrO–BaO–Al2O3–B2O3–SiO2 system for dielectric composite materials



Sukhyi M.K., Girenko D.V., Nefedov V.G., Polishchuk Yu.V.

Thermochemical effects in hydrogen production with a dissolvable aluminum anode system



Khoma R.E., Baumer V.M., Gelmboldt V.O., Fedko N.F., Ishkov Yu.V., Vodzinskii S.V., Rakipov I.M., Menchuk D.V.

Ammonium salts of sulfur-containing oxyanions resulting from reaction of sulfur dioxide with aqueous solutions of diethylentriamine and bis(hexamethylene)triamine



Khomenko О.

Thermodynamics in the system “refractory clay–glass cullet–quartz sand” when predicting the phase composition of engobe coatings on ceramic bricks



Karpova S.P., Zhuravel I.O., Kolisnyk S.V., Kryskiv O.S., Krutskikh T.V., Maslov O.Yu.

Analytical approach of kinetic-spectrophotometric and redox titration methods in the quantitative determination of ticarcillin



Markevych O.V., Polishchuk Y.V., Zinin V.V., Vavilon K.I., Sukhyy K.M.

Innovative technological concept for the production of high-density cathodes for lithium reserve power sources with increased specific energy



Pavlova V.V., Zadorozhnii P.V., Kiselev V.V., Okhtina O.V., Kharchenko A.V.

Synthesis, spectral characteristics and molecular docking studies of N-(2,2,2-trichloro-1-(2-(phenylcarbamothioyl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamido)ethyl)cinnamamide as a potential analog of Salubrinalrystal



Sverdlikovska O.S., Potapchuk M.O.

Synthesis of polymer ionic liquids and ionene-type ionic liquids



Yurchenko O.I., Chernozhuk T.V., Nikolenko M.V., Baklanov O.M., Kravchenko O.A.

Atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission determination of iron and manganese in medicinal salt mixtures



Polozhaj S.G., Zaichuk O.V., Polozhaj A.G.

Fusible glass-crystalline binder in the spodumene–manganese cordierite system



Gurbanov A.N., Sardarova I.Z.

Investigating the effect of reagents used in the transportation of hydrocarbons



Shyshchak O.M., Topilnytskyy P.I., Skorokhoda V.Y.

Selection and study of depressant additives to improve the low-temperature properties of high waxy crude oils from the Western region of Ukraine



Shabanova H.N., Logvinkov S.M., Shumeyko V.N., Korohodska A.N., Sviderskіi V.A., Lisachuk G.V., Sakhnenko M.D., Voloshchuk V.V., Kudii D.A.

Optimization of the ratio of adjacent aggregate fractions for slag-alkali binder concrete



Chervakov D.O., Ved V.V., Fedan V.V., Sukhyy K.M., Chervakov O.V.

The influence of solid-state polycondensation of polyethylene terephthalate on its rheological properties



Kazakevich M., Husarova I., Kazakevich V., Manko T., Khoroshylov V., Kozis K., Osinovyy G., Sukha I., Zaichuk O.

Carbon plastics for reusable hypersonic flight vehicles
