Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii

Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology


Konovalova S.A., Avdeenko A.P., Pirozhenko V.V., Santalova G.O.

Conformational transformations of N-[arylsulfonylimino(methyl)methyl]-1,4-benzoquinonemonoimines



Logvinkov S.M., Borysenko O.M., Ivashura A.A., Shabanova H.M., Shumejko V.M., Korohodska A.M.

Principles of ensuring thermal stability in innovative technology of periclase-spinel refractories



Melnyk S., Rohovyi Yu., Melnyk Yu., Zamula M.

The regularities of spent bleached earth treatment with the ester-aldehyde fraction



Mitina N.B., Klymenko A.V., Kabat O.S., Sуtar V.I.

The influence of external and internal factors on ensuring adhesive interaction of a polymeric sealant with a substrate surface (a review)



Talybov G.М.

Synthesis of propargyl(allyl) aryloxyethers



Lomynoha Y.R., Zadorozhnii P.V., Kiselev V.V., Kharchenko A.V.

Synthesis of potential anticonvulsants based on chloral hydrate and carbamazepine: their spectral characteristics and in silico ADME profiling



Skorokhoda V.Y., Semenyuk N.B., Dudok G.D.

Hydrogel granular systems for controlled release based on (co)polymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate with polyvinylpyrrolidone (a review)



Zaichuk О.V., Amelina A.A., Kalishenko Y.R., Hordieiev Y.S.

Radio-transparent celsian ceramics modified with glass in a pseudoternary system BaO–Al2O3–SiO2: synthesis, microstructure, thermal and physical properties



Polozhaj S.G., Zaichuk O.V., Polozhaj A.G., Amelina O.A., Rudneva L.L.

Glass-ceramic binder of cordierite composition for low-temperature sintering of high-strength ceramic materials based on oxygen-free silicon compounds



Khrystych O.V., Shabanova G.N., Korogodska A.N., Logvinkov S.M., Mykhailova E.A.

Physicochemical principles of creating alumina cements based on nickel and cobalt spinel



Pushkarev Y.M., Saitarly S.V., Savin S.M., Kiose O.O., Popov A.Y.

Preparation and properties of polymer composites filled with modified highly dispersed polyethylene terephthalate



Shavrina O.M., Bezdudny A.V., Bezgubenko L.V., Rassukana Yu.V.

Deoxofluorination of pyridinyloxoacetates by sulfur tetrafluoride



Trunova O.K., Zheleznova L.I., Dyakonenko V.V., Sliusarchuk L.I.

Crystal structure of the heterometallic complex of Co(II) and Nd(III) with phenanthroline



Gayevskii V.R., Fylypchuk V.L., Syrovatskyi O.A.

Dynamics of soluble salts in cooling systems of circulating water supply



Skіba М.І., Kovalenko I.L., Skyba Y.M., Vorobyova V.I.

Capping agent-free aqueous gold nanoparticles generated by an environmentally friendly plasma-liquid method



Knysh V., Shmychkova O., Luk’yanenko T., Velichenko A.

Influence of platinum content on semiconductor and electrochemical properties of materials based on titanium suboxides



Kryvobok R.V., Pitak Y.M., Lisachuk G.V., Voloshchuk V.V., Grebenyuk О.О., Kudii М.О., Bahlai V.Yu.

Coupled reactions in the system SrO–BaO–Al2O3–SiO2
