Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii

Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology


Avramenko A.G., Spiehs M.

Photophysical properties of porphyrins and their applications to polariton chemistry (a review)



Gelmboldt V.O.

Solubility and hydrolysis of ammonium hexafluorosilicates as potential pharmaceuticals (a review)



Bylov I.E., Zhuravel I.O., Bryzytska O.A., Kolisnyk S.V., Baiurka S.V.

Synthesis of phenyl esters 2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-3-carboxylic acids as promising antimicrobial agents



Velychko O., Grek O., Grishin O., Velychko K.

Physicochemical characteristics of solid-phase reduction of pellets (briquettes) under induction heating



Goleus V.I., Salei An.A.

Glass frit and method of forming electrical insulating coatings on steel substrates of film heaters



Gurbanov G.R., Pashayeva S.M.

Study of the corrosion protection effect of the new composition based on gossypol resin in the hydrogen sulfide formation water



Gurbanov G.R., Gasimzade A.V., Xin Z.Y., Askerova N.A.

Research of a new multifunctional composition against the corrosion of the internal surface of oil pipelines in the mine shaft



Kazymyrenko Yu.O., Haidaienko O.V.

Computer modeling of temperature distribution in the course of sintering of glass microspheres



Karkhut A.I., Konechnyi Y.T., Konechna R.T., Palamar O.V., Polovkovych S.V., Lubenets V.I.

Synthesis of new S-(ω-fluoralkyl) 4-substituted benzenesulfonothioates and their antimicrobial activity



Kryvolapov D.S., Sukhyy K.M., Bashtanyk P.I., Tretyakov A.O., Bezrukavy V.A.

Influence of fly ash on the properties of wood-polymer composites



Kshyvetskyy B.Ya., Kindzera D.P., Sokolovskyi I.A., Storozhuk V.M., Mayevska O.M., Somar H.V., Kindzera А.R.

Features of the formation of cohesive and adhesive strengths by non-structured and structured polyvinyl acetate films during wood gluing



Matsenko S., Ryzhova O.

Influence of the composition and structure of sodium borosilicate glasses on the optical-color characteristics of chromium aventurine glass in the presence of cobalt (II) oxide



Melnyk A.S., Chyhyrynеts O.E., Lazzara G.

Degradation of moxifloxacin hydrochloride encapsulated in halloysite nanotubes under the influence of temperature and ultraviolet and visible light



Mukhachev A.P., Nefedov V.G., Yelatontsev D.O., Kharуtonova O.A.

Analysis of the technology of electrochemical production of hafnium



Ostapenko A.A., Gomelya M.D., Movchaniuk O.M., Halysh V.V.

Determination of the azetide groups relative content in the composition of amphoteric polymer resins



Pisanenko D.A., Klimko Yu.E., Gaidai O.V.

Synthesis and anticorrosion properties of N-aryl-N1-pyridylthioureas and their benzylated products



Protsenko V.S., Makhota D.O., Butyrina T.E., Korniy S.A., Danilov F.I.

Influence of anodic treatment of a copper-nickel alloy in a eutectic mixture of choline chloride and urea on the surface morphology and electrocatalytic behavior in the hydrogen evolution reaction



Protsenko V.S., Makhota D.O., Korniy S.A., Butyrina T.E., Danilov F.I.

Influence of anodic treatment of nickel in deep eutectic solvents on electrocatalytic activity in oxygen evolution and urea oxidation reactions



Savvova О.V., Tur O.H., Fesenko O.I., Babich O.V., Smyrnova Yu.O., Hordiichuk V.M.

Study of the phase formation of transparent magnesium aluminosilicate glass-ceramic materials



Sakhnenko M.D., Zhelavska Yu.A., Zyubanova S.І., Horokhivska N.V., Rudneva S.I.

Cobalt-vanadium coating deposition via programmed electrolysis mode



Smetanin N.V., Varenichenko S.A., Farat O.K.

Synthesis and in silico ADMET prediction of the properties of novel sulfonyl indole derivatives



Struhatska М.B., Kariaka N.S., Dyakonenko V.V., Shishkina S.V., Lazarenko М.М., Shtemenko О.V., Amirkhanov V.M.

Structural, spectral, and thermal gravimetric studies of lanthanum complexes with N,N’-tetraethyl-N”-(trichloroacetyl)phosphortriamide, 2,2′-bipyridine, and nitrate anion
